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Palm springs gay pride 2021

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The discussion will be moderated by Brad Fuhr, KGAY Palm Springs and The Gay Desert Guide. at the Palm Springs Cultural Center/Camelot Theatres and will feature Bruce Fessier, the retired entertainment reporter for The Desert Sun, Nino Eilets, former business manager of The Bottom Line and editor of The Standard Magazine, and Denise Goolsby, former journalist for The Desert Sun and currently Manager for the Office of Neighborhoods for the City of Palm Springs. The event will be from at 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

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Did these outlets raise the community's profile as an LGBTQ destination? Many would argue they did! Hear from local journalists and learn more about their important contributions to our community. For a smaller community, Palm Springs has had significant, consistent LGBTQ media outlets over the decades. The LGBTQ+ History & Archives of the Desert celebrates National Pride Month by presenting The Power of Story: How Local Media Put Gay Palm Springs on the Map. The Power of Story: How Local Media Put Gay Palm Springs on the Map.

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